Sesh Evo Connected But No Sound (Easy Fixes)

Sesh Evo Connected But No Sound (Easy Fixes) 2023

Sesh Evo Connected But No Sound (Easy Fixes)

The Sesh Evo earbuds are famous for their exceptional audio quality and seamless connectivity.

However, users may occasionally encounter an issue where the earbuds are connected, but no sound is audible.

This frustrating problem can disrupt your listening experience.

This article will delve into various troubleshooting steps and solutions to help you fix the “Sesh Evo connected but no sound” issue.

So, let’s dive in and get your audio up and running again!

Why are my Sesh Evo earbuds connected but no sound?

When you have the problem of “Sesh Evo connected but no sound,” it’s important to know what could be causing it.

Let’s look at different things that might be going wrong:

Software Glitches:

Sometimes, the earbuds or the device they’re connected to can have temporary problems with their software.

This can happen if they need to work better together or if the software is old or conflicting with other apps.

Connectivity Issues: 

Even if the earbuds are connected, there might be issues with the wireless connection.

Things like walls or other devices can get in the way, making the sound disappear or become choppy.

boy wearing earbuds

Improper Audio Settings:

The settings on your device to listen to music might be wrong.

For example, the audio might be going to another place instead of the earbuds, or the balance of the sound might need to be set up correctly.

Volume Levels:

It might sound obvious, but sometimes the sound is low or accidentally muted.

Maybe the volume got turned down too much, or someone accidentally pressed the mute button.

Hardware Problems: 

This is less common, but sometimes there can be something wrong with the earbuds themselves.

Wires might not be working, speakers could be damaged, or other hardware issues.

Troubleshooting Steps to Fix “Sesh Evo Connected But No Sound”

If you’re experiencing the “Sesh Evo connected but no sound” issue, follow these troubleshooting steps to resolve it:

Check Volume Levels

Start by ensuring that the volume level on your audio source and the earbuds is turned up.

The volume may be set to low or muted, leading to no sound.

Verify Proper Earbud Placement

Confirm that both earbuds are correctly placed in your ears. Sometimes, improper placement can result in reduced or no audio output.

Reconnect the Earbuds

Disconnect the Sesh Evo earbuds from the audio source and then reconnect them. This simple step often rectifies connectivity issues and restores sound.

Restart the Audio Source

If reconnecting the earbuds doesn’t work, try restarting the audio source device (phone, tablet, etc.).

Sometimes, a quick reboot can resolve software-related problems causing the sound issue.

Update Firmware

Ensure that your Sesh Evo earbuds have the latest Firmware installed. Check the manufacturer’s website or the companion app for any available firmware updates. Installing updates can address known bugs or issues.

Reset the Earbuds

Perform a reset of the Sesh Evo earbuds.

This process can vary depending on the specific model, so consult the user manual or the manufacturer’s website for detailed instructions.

Resetting can help resolve underlying software glitches.

Advanced Troubleshooting Solutions for “Sesh Evo Connected But No Sound”

If the basic troubleshooting steps didn’t fix the problem, you could try some advanced solutions:

Clear Bluetooth Pairing List: 

Clear the Bluetooth pairing list on both your device and the Sesh Evo earbuds.

This eliminates any conflicts or bad connections that might be causing the sound issue.

Disable Battery Optimization: 

Turn off battery optimization on your device for the app or device that plays audio.

Sometimes, the optimization can mess with the earbuds’ sound.

Try a Different Audio Source: 

Connect your Sesh Evo earbuds to another device, like a different phone or tablet.

white earbuds on table

This helps you determine if the problem is with your original device or earbuds.

Contact Customer Support

If you’ve tried everything we mentioned and still can’t fix the “Sesh Evo connected but no sound” problem, don’t worry! It’s time to get help from the experts.

Reach out to the customer support team for the Sesh Evo earbuds. They know all about these earbuds and have exceptional knowledge to help you.

Tell them everything about the problem, what you’ve tried, and any error messages you’ve seen.

They’ll give you more tips to try or help you get your earbuds fixed or replaced if needed. Remember, sometimes it’s best to ask for help; they’re there to make things right for you.


Why can’t I hear any sound with my Sesh Evo earbuds?

Possible reasons include low volume, wrong earbud placement, connection problems, software issues, or outdated Firmware.

What should I do if my Sesh Evo earbuds have no sound?

Check volume, ensure proper placement, and reconnect. If the problem persists, try restarting, updating Firmware, or resetting the earbuds.

How do I reset my Sesh Evo earbuds?

Follow the user manual or visit the manufacturer’s website for instructions on resetting, usually involving specific button presses or holding.

Can clearing the Bluetooth pairing list fix the sound issue?

Clearing the Bluetooth pairing list on both devices can resolve conflicts and restore sound.

Why disable battery optimization for audio apps/devices?

Disabling optimization prevents power-saving settings from affecting sound output, ensuring uninterrupted playback.


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