Skullcandy Indy Evo Touch Controls Not Working

Skullcandy Indy Evo Touch Controls Not Working: 6 Easy Fixes

Skullcandy Indy Evo Touch Controls Not Working

Skullcandy Indy Evo earbuds are super cool because they let you enjoy excellent wireless sound without any wires getting in your way.

They look sleek and have lots of fancy features too! But sometimes, the touch controls on these earbuds might not work how you want them to, which can be annoying.

But don’t worry! In this guide, we will figure out why the touch controls might be acting up and give you some helpful solutions to fix the problem.

So let’s get started and get those touch controls working perfectly again!

Possible Reasons for the Touch Controls Not Working

If you’re having trouble with the touch controls on your Skullcandy Indy Evo earbuds, there could be a few reasons why they’re not working correctly.

Let’s look at some possible causes:

Dirt or stuff: Sometimes, dirt or things like crumbs on the touch-sensitive part can stop the controls from working as they should.

Wet or sweaty: If the earbuds get too wet or if you’re sweating a lot, it can make the touch controls stop responding.

Firmware issues: If the software on your earbuds is not up to date, it might cause problems with the touch controls. This can happen if you last updated them a while ago.

white earbuds on table

Improper touch gestures: Sometimes, if you need to use the proper gestures on the touch controls, they might not work. It’s essential to make sure you’re doing the gestures correctly.

Low battery: When the battery is running low, it can affect how well the touch controls work. If the battery is almost empty, the controls might not respond as they should.

Broken parts: In some cases, something might be broken inside the earbuds, causing the touch controls to stop working.

If none of the other reasons apply, this could be the cause.

Skullcandy Indy Evo Touch Controls Not Working: 6 Easy Fixes

Now that we have identified possible causes let’s explore troubleshooting steps to help you regain control over your Skullcandy Indy Evo touch controls.

Clean the Touch-Sensitive Surface

To fix the touch controls, you need to clean the touch-sensitive surface of your Indy Evo earbuds.

When dirt or stuff gets on it, it can stop the controls from working correctly. Here’s what you can do:

  • Get a soft cloth with no lint or fuzz on it. It should be gentle on the earbuds.
  • Carefully wipe the touch-sensitive surface of both earbuds with the cloth. Be gentle so you don’t damage anything.
  • Pay extra attention to the areas around the touch controls. If you see any dirt or debris, make sure to remove it.
  • Clean both earbuds well so they’re nice and shiny.

Dry the Earbuds

If you’ve been using your earbuds while exercising or in a place where it’s humid, they might have gotten wet or sweaty.

This can make the touch controls stop working correctly. So, before we move on to the following troubleshooting steps, let’s ensure the earbuds are nice and dry.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Remove the earbuds from your ears and gently pat them dry with a soft cloth. Be careful not to press too hard or damage anything.
  • Let the earbuds air dry for a few minutes. This means you should leave them in a dry place and let the air do its job. Make sure there’s no more moisture left on them.
  • Remember, it’s essential to keep the charging case dry too. So ensure the earbuds and the case are completely dry before moving on to the next step.

Update the Firmware

Outdated firmware can cause glitches or malfunctions in the touch controls. Checking for firmware updates and installing them can often resolve such issues.

Follow these steps to update the firmware of your Indy Evo earbuds:

  • Visit the official Skullcandy website or use the Skullcandy app on your device.
  • Look for any available firmware updates specifically for your model of earbuds.
  • If an update is available, follow the instructions to update the firmware.
  • After the update, check if the touch controls are working correctly.
different colored earbuds on table

Learn the Correct Touch Gestures

You use the right touch gestures to control your Skullcandy Indy Evo earbuds. If you need to make the gestures correctly, the touch controls might not work.

So, let’s make sure you know how to use them properly. Here’s what you can do:

  • Look at the user manual with your earbuds, or visit the Skullcandy website. They have detailed instructions that show you the right touch gestures for different functions.
  • Read the instructions carefully and try to understand how to do each gesture. Getting them right is essential, so take your time to learn and remember them.
  • Practice the gestures with your earbuds. Make sure you’re using the correct gestures accurately. You can always return to the instructions to double-check if you need more clarification.

Charge the Earbuds

Low battery levels can impact the functionality of the touch controls.

If your Indy Evo earbuds have a low battery, charge them thoroughly before using them again.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Place the earbuds in the charging case and ensure they align correctly with the charging pins.
  • Close the charging case lid and connect it to a power source using the USB cable.
  • Allow the earbuds to charge until the LED indicators on the case show that they are fully charged.
  • Once fully charged, remove the earbuds from the case and check if the touch controls function correctly.

Reset the Earbuds

If you’ve tried everything else and the touch controls on your Skullcandy Indy Evo earbuds still aren’t working, there’s one more thing you can try: resetting them.

Resetting means returning to how they were when you first got them, and it can often fix persistent problems.

Here’s how you can reset your earbuds:

white earbuds with case on table

Please make sure both earbuds are in the charging case and that they’re fully charged.

Take the earbuds out of the case and turn them on.

Press and hold the buttons on both earbuds for about 10 seconds. Keep holding until you see the LED lights flash red and blue.

This means the earbuds are ready to be reset.

Put the earbuds back into the charging case and close the lid.

Take the earbuds out of the case again and pair them with your device, just like you did when you first got them.

This will reset the earbuds to their original settings and might fix any touch control issues.


If the touch controls on your Skullcandy Indy Evo earbuds aren’t working, try the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article. 

If the problem persists, seek adult or expert help. Soon, you’ll be enjoying your wireless audio again!


How do I clean the touch-sensitive surface of my Indy Evo earbuds?

Use a soft cloth to gently wipe away dirt and debris from the surface of both earbuds.

Can sweat or moisture affect the touch controls?

Yes, excessive sweat or moisture can impact touch control responsiveness. Make sure to dry the earbuds before using them again.

How do I update the firmware of my Indy Evo earbuds?

Visit the Skullcandy website or use the app to check for firmware updates and follow the instructions to update your earbuds.

What are the correct touch gestures for controlling the Indy Evo earbuds?

Refer to the user manual or the Skullcandy website for instructions on the correct touch gestures.

What should I do if the troubleshooting steps don’t work?

Contact Skullcandy customer support for further assistance.


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